Friday, January 27, 2006

5 syllable rule

Last night, I came to a conclusion along with the help of a couple friends I know and a brief informal poll.

when men and women are talking, guys lose track of the conversation after 5 syllables and immediately switch over to thinking about sex....No seriously, think about it.

Ho-ney you want to....(Guys immediately insert sex here), so of course we say yes. We think you are wanting to get it on. What we don't hear is this part: :"go over to my parents house to help clean out the gutters." We were right there with you up until "to", then we got lost in a daydream of you and me, getting it on right there. We like those thoughts, they make us feel good, virile, wanted and needed and make us smile. Its the repercussions from having said "yes" and realizing that...nope I didn't agree with this horseshit, I agreed to sex, that's what I heard, that's what I want DAMMIT!!! Might help explain the sour expressions/hurts looks you see on us several times a day.

One way to ensure our continued attention is by opening with sex. You know something like this: "Lets have sex, THEN go to my mothers house and clean out the gutters". We heard the whole sentence that way, waiting for the catch. Because we are continually disappointed, we are waiting for you to sink the hook into us, because AH HA you opened with the sex part to get us interested, so we continue listening for something really cool like "with my old college roommate...You remember her, the one you constantly drooled over" or "next time we go shopping somewhere in the mall", instead we get "gutters" and no "slut". This way, there is no way in hell we didn't hear you, unless we are floored you even said something like that in the first place, in that case it shouldn't count but does.

And no, opening with "go fuck yourself" doesn't count, that's something we expect and listen for, because a girl swearing is funny and we like to laugh...

In case you were wondering, the poll involved about 9 guys and 1 girl and went something like this....
Poopsie, I came to a conclusion and a realization today.
"what's that?"
(insert above stated rule in here)
"Shut-up I don't believe you"
No seriously think about it
"Ok, lets ask Guy1, 2-8" so we do
Yeah that sounds about right
Wait a minute, that makes sense (which is strange in itself, I almost never make sense)
Yep, can't argue with that.
Of course, all 8 of us are pretty well standing around listening because well..Its interesting and she is dumbfounded and says....
"oh comeon guys lets".... we all just stand there nodding our heads smiling.


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