Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Whoa...slow down

Frequently i lose my mind.

Before anyone thinkns of me as a drooling (rofl) idiot, let me explain how this happens.........I suffer from an affliction i call "fat figers".-Now don't get teh wrong idea, i am not fat and have sausages attached to a ham for hands. Fat fingers is what happens when you think faster than you can type. Your hands are in a constant race with your brain to get everything out that you're thinking before you forget it.

Its funny really when you think about it...I only really started typing 6 years ago, so my speed and digital dexterityl on a keyboard....umm....is horrible. So with that in mind....Just when you are able to keep up, its like your brian comes back from a day dream and thinks to itself (thats disturbing)"Whoa whats going on here"and kicks the thoughts up a notch, and you lose your sanity. Your hands are lost, you're lost and you've lost your mind. Once you do get to the point of where your fingers do go fast enough, its like my brian goes..."really" and kicks it into another gear. Then my fingers get lost, i get lost and my brain is sitting in the drivers seat looking back and yelling "keep up with this fuckers". Then after a time things seem to slow down. My brain jumps into teh back seat and says, hey nice road...who's drivin. Personally i root for the hands, i always like the underdog, but the brain always wins -dam my brain.

Unfortunately, this isn't confined to the keyboard. I am in a constant delusional state at work. Easily excitable, and i have a captive audience. Here's a recipe for disaster....
1 Tired supervisor
add in a couple cups of coffee
throw in some suger
mix in a social situation-or a public place
presto, instant HR issue.

Another realization.....With fat fingers, you also have to become fluent at gibberish. So technically i am trilingual....i wonder if i can add that to my resume somehow. Anyone that has ever had a MSN conversation with me can attest to this to this skill. So here you are, typing as fast as you can, fingers are flying and your brain is yelling like a maniac. Fingers sound suspiciouly like Scotty from Star Trek (I canna take it cap'n, she's gonna blow), then you S L O W L Y come back and realize the person you are talking to is no longer typing and you look at your screen and wonder wtf IS that, and who typed this nonsensical shit. Then it hits, its you. So you slowly read up, take out your decoder ring and try to make sense of it all.
I think i need a hug...or a cookie...


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