Tuesday, May 16, 2006

DO i have to?

Its funny to think about it....

Days and weks pass by, funny stuff devellops everywhere and i am forgetting to capture it. God knows i can use a laugh, and hopefully everyone else that reads this could use one too.

So whats funny thats happened....

I work in a call centre who recieves calls from our neighbours from teh south. Being Canadian, thas quite an adjustment. We are expected to sell. Now if you are Canadian, know a Canadian or want to be a Canadian you need to know a few things about us.
1. We are a very passive-agressive society. We are passive all the time except when there's hockey on, then we want blood.
2. We are far too laid back. Case in point...our agents ask if our customers want to buy something, they say no. We say *shrug* all good.
3. We like sarcasm, and find humour in our neighbours to the south.
4. Poutine is a foodgroup unto its own.

So i am taking an escalation (when a customer wants to talk to a supervisor). So i HAPPILY jump on the line, once the agent has found me under my desk, sucking my thumb and in the fetal position, and i get this customer who starts YELLING at me for calling him during supper. So i let him spew and try my darndest to jump in and correct his mis-interpretation. So he finally runs out of air and I casually let him know, that we are an INBOUND centre, so he called us. I then ask him what hes having for supper. He replies, then why did his phone ring? I reply with "Maybe my voices are calling your voices?".

So i am walking down the aisle in the cublicle farm, minding my own business, doing some crop dusting (more to come about what that means in a bit) and i get an agent thats FRANTICALLY waving her hand. She tells me she has a sleeping customer on the phone and what is she suppoed to do. I think the forst words out of my mouth were "you are full of shit" closely followed by, i GOT TO HEAR THIS. So i get on the phone and sure enough at 7:30AM theres a guy snoring away. So i take off the headset and think for a minute. Yell at him. Just as she starts sucking wind down, i stop her. Boost your mike volume THEN yell at him :) So we crank up the dial, and she yells SIR. Needless to say he woke up. It was great. I remind her of it everyday. First agent to put a customr to sleep on the phone, there has to be an award in there.

Man....the escalations are limitless as i take at least 4 daily now :( But the humour is deffinitely there, its just a matter of finding the time with wedding plans, losing my mind, constantly backpeddaling myself out of self created messes. I will promise to write a new blog at least once every 2 weeks from now on.

CUBE FARM : An office filled with cubicles

CROP DUSTING : Surreptitiously passing gas while passing through a Cube Farm.


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